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Ticknor, Chris

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Feist, Johannes ; Nagele, Stefan ; Ticknor, Chris ; Schneider, B. I. ; Collins, L. A. ; Burgdörfer, Joachim Attosecond pump-probe of doubly excited states in heliumPräsentation Presentation2011
2Feist, Johannes ; Nagele, Stefan ; Ticknor, Chris ; Schneider, B. I. ; Collins, L. A. ; Burgdörfer, Joachim Attosecond two-photon interferometry for probing doubly excited states of heliumPräsentation Presentation2011
3Nagele, Stefan ; Feist, Johannes ; Ticknor, Chris ; Collins, L. A. ; Burgdörfer, Joachim Studying wave packet dynamics in helium using XUV-XUV pump-probe setupsPräsentation Presentation2010