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Katanin, A.

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hausoel, A. ; Karolak, Michael ; Sangiovanni, Giorgio ; Sasioglu, Esoy ; Lichtenstein, A. I. ; Katanin, A. ; Held, Karsten ; Toschi, Alessandro Dynamics of the magnetic moments in correlated metals: The case of Fe and Ni from ambient to Earth's corePräsentation Presentation2018
2Wentzell, N. ; Taranto, C. ; Katanin, A. ; Toschi, A. ; Andergassen, Sabine Correlated starting points for the functional renormalization groupArtikel Article 2015
3Wentzell, Nils ; Taranto, Ciro ; Katanin, A. ; Toschi, Alessandro ; Andergassen, Sabine Non-perturbative starting point for the functional renormalization groupPräsentation Presentation2014
4Taranto, C. ; Andergassen, Sabine ; Bauer, J. ; Held, K. ; Katanin, A. ; Metzner, W. ; Rohringer, G. ; Toschi, A. From Infinite to Two Dimensions through the Functional Renormalization GroupArtikel Article 2014
5Rohringer, Georg ; Toschi, Alessandro ; Katanin, A. ; Held, Karsten Critical behavior and phase diagram of the Hubbard model - A Dynamical Vertex Approximation (DGA) StudyPräsentation Presentation2012
6Rohringer, G. ; Toschi, A. ; Katanin, A. ; Held, K. Critical Properties of the Half-Filled Hubbard Model in Three DimensionsArtikel Article2011