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Diehl, S.

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Buchhold, M. ; Minoguchi, Y. ; Altland, A. ; Diehl, S. Effective Theory for the Measurement-Induced Phase Transition of Dirac FermionsArtikel Article 2021
2Zou, L.J. ; Marcos, D. ; Diehl, S. ; Putz, Stefan ; Schmiedmayer, Hannes-Jörg ; Majer, J. ; Rabl, Peter Generalized Dicke models in hybrid quantum systemsPräsentation Presentation2015
3Zou, L. J. ; Marcos, D. ; Diehl, S. ; Putz, S. ; Schmiedmayer, J. ; Majer, J. ; Rabl, P. Implementation of the Dicke lattice model in hybrid quantum system arraysArtikel Article2014
4Zou, L.J. ; Marcos, D. ; Diehl, S. ; Putz, Stefan ; Schmiedmayer, Hannes-Jörg ; Majer, J. ; Rabl, Peter Generalized Dicke models in hybrid quantum systemsPräsentation Presentation2014
5Tomadin, A. ; Diehl, S. ; Lukin, M. D. ; Rabl, P. ; Zoller, P. Reservoir engineering and dynamical phase transitions in optomechanical arraysArtikel Article2012
6Cordin, Michael ; Amann, P. ; Menzel, A. ; Bertel, Erminald ; Diehl, S. ; Redinger, Josef ; Franchini, Cesare Comment on "Cleavage surface of the BaFe₂₋ₓCoₓAs₂ and FeᵧSe₁₋ₓTex Superconductors: A combined STM plus LEED study"Artikel Article 2012
7Amann, P. ; Cordin, Michael ; Braun, Ch. ; Lechner, A.J. ; Menzel, A. ; Bertel, Erminald ; Franchini, C. ; Zucca, Rinaldo ; Redinger, Josef ; Baranov, N.V. ; Diehl, S. Electronically driven phase transitions in a quasi-one-dimensional adsorbate systemArtikel Article 2010
8Cordin, Michael ; Lechner, A.J. ; Amann, P. ; Menzel, A. ; Bertel, Erminald ; Franchini, C. ; Zucca, Rinaldo ; Redinger, Josef ; Baranov, N.V. ; Diehl, S. Phase transitions driven by competing interactions in low-dimensional systemsArtikel Article 2010