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Kuetgens, U.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Potocar, Thomas ; Zawisky, Michael ; Kuetgens, U. ; Hauffe, J. ; Suda, Martin Preparation and applications of the new large-area Neutron InterferometerPräsentation Presentation2015
2Springer, J. ; Zawisky, M. ; Farthofer, R. ; Lemmel, H. ; Suda, M. ; Kuetgens, U. A large-areaneutron-interferometeroptimizedforcoherent beam deflection:ApplicationsArtikel Article2010
3Zawisky, M. ; Springer, J. ; Farthofer, R. ; Kuetgens, U. A large-area perfect crystal neutron interferometer optimized for coherent beam-deflection experiments: Preparation and performanceArtikel Article2009