Full name Familienname, Vorname
Kuksa, Pavel
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Yuryevna Ridzel, Olga ; Kalbe, Henryk ; Astašauskas, Vytautas ; Kuksa, Pavel ; Bellissimo, Alessandra ; Werner, Wolfgang S. M. Optical constants of organic insulators in the UV range extracted from reflection electron energy loss spectraArtikel Article 2022
2Astašauskas, Vytautas ; Bellissimo, Alessandra ; Kuksa, Pavel ; Tomastik, Christian ; Kalbe, Henryk ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. Optical and electronic properties of amorphous silicon dioxide by single and double electron spectroscopyArtikel Article 2020
3Astašauskas, Vytautas ; Bellissimo, Alessandra ; Kuksa, Pavel ; Tomastik, Christian ; Kalbe, Henryk ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. Optical and electronic properties of amorphous silicon dioxide by single and double electron spectroscopyArtikel Article 2019
4Astasauskas, Vytautas ; Kuksa, Pavel ; Pseiner, Johannes ; Kalbe, Henryk ; Bellissimo, Alessandra ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. Investigation of the electronic structure of insulators using single and double electron spectroscopyPräsentation Presentation2017
5Kuksa, Pavel Research of inhomogenious fields design of long-focus energy analyzers mathematical modelingPräsentation Presentation2015