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Zhong, Z.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Si, Liang ; Janson, Oleg ; Li, Gang ; Zhong, Z. ; Liao, Zhaoliang ; Koster, Gertjan ; Held, Karsten Quantum anomalous Hall state in the ferromagnetic (111) SrRuO₃: the importance of long-range hoppingPräsentation Presentation2016
2Lantz, G. ; Hajlaoui, M. ; Papalazarou, E. ; Jacques, V. L. R. ; Mazzotti, A. ; Marsi, M. ; Lupi, S. ; Amati, M. ; Gregoratti, L. ; Si, L. ; Zhong, Z. ; Held, K. Surface Effects on the Mott-Hubbard Transition in Archetypal V₂O₃Artikel Article 4-Dec-2015
3Janson, Oleg ; Si, Liang ; Li, Gang ; Zhong, Z. ; Held, Karsten A quest for novel states in (111) oxide heterostructures: insights from DFT+DMFTPräsentation Presentation2014