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Hafermann, H.

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Rohringer, G. ; Hafermann, H. ; Toschi, A. ; Katanin, A. A. ; Antipov, A. E. ; Katsnelson, M. I. ; Lichtenstein, A. I. ; Rubtsov, A. N. ; Held, K. Diagrammatic routes to nonlocal correlations beyond dynamical mean field theoryArtikel Article 2018
2Philipp, Marie-Therese ; Rohringer, Georg ; Watzenböck, Clemens ; Schäfer, Thomas ; Hafermann, H. ; Tomczak, Jan ; Held, Karsten ; Rubtsov, Alexey ; Toschi, Alessandro The T-dependence of the scattering rate in cuprates: Insights from diagrammatic extensions of DMFTPräsentation Presentation2017
3Rohringer, G. ; Toschi, A. ; Hafermann, H. ; Held, K. ; Anisimov, V. I. ; Katanin, A. A. One-particle irreducible functional approach: A route to diagrammatic extensions of the dynamical mean-field theoryArtikel Article2013