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Lungu, Christian P.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Stadlmayr, Reinhard ; Szabo, Paul ; Koslowski, H.R. ; Hansen, P. ; Helfer, N. ; Dittmar, Timo ; Lungu, Christian P. ; Primetzhofer, D. ; Linsmeier, Christian ; Aumayr, Friedrich Retention mechanism of hydrogen and helium isotopes in beryllium studied with the quartz crystal microbalance techniquePräsentation Presentation2018
2Oberkofler, Martin ; Alegre, D. ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Brezinsek, S. ; Dittmar, Timo ; Dobes, Katharina ; Douai, D. ; Drenik, A. ; Köppen, Martin ; Kruezi, U. ; Linsmeier, Christian ; Lungu, Christian P. ; Meisl, Gerd ; Mozetic, M. ; Porosnicu, Corneliu ; Rohde, V. ; Romanelli, S.G. Plasma-wall interactions with nitrogen seeding in all-metal fusion devices: Formation of nitrides and ammoniaArtikel Article 2015
3Dobes, Katharina ; Köppen, Martin ; Oberkofler, Martin ; Lungu, Christian P. ; Porosnicu, Corneliu ; Höschen, Till ; Meisl, Gerd ; Aumayr, Friedrich Interaction of nitrogen ions with beryllium surfacesArtikel Article2014