Full name Familienname, Vorname
Castillo, Ivan
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Podewitz, Maren ; Talmazan, Radu Alexandru ; Castillo, Ivan Catalysis in Confinement: Reaction Mechanism of C-X Coupling with a Cu-calix[8]arene CatalystInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag31-Aug-2023
2Podewitz, Maren ; Talmazan, Radu Alexandru ; Castillo, Ivan ; Hofer, Thomas Towards Operando Modelling in Supramolecular Catalysis: Assessing the Reaction Dynamics of Cu-calix[8]arene for C-X Coupling by QM/MM MDInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJun-2023
3Berlanga-Vazquez-2023-European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry-vor.pdf.jpgBerlanga-Vázquez, Armando ; Talmazan, Radu A. ; Reyes‐Mata, Carlos A. ; Guzmán-Percástegui, Edmundo ; Flores-Alamo, Marcos ; Podewitz, Maren ; Castillo, Ivan Conformational Effects of Regioisomeric Substitution on the Catalytic Activity of Copper/Calix[8]arene C−S CouplingArticle Artikel 22-Feb-2023
4Talmazan, Radu Alexandru ; Castillo, Ivan ; Hofer, Thomas ; Podewitz, Maren Evolving towards chemically accurate supramolecular catalyst modelling: A QM/MM/MD study on C-N couplingPresentation Vortrag8-Feb-2023
5Talmazan, Radu A. ; Refugio Monroy, J. ; del Rio Portilla, Federico ; Castillo, Ivan ; Podewitz, Maren Encapsulation Enhances the Catalytic Activity of C‐N Coupling: Reaction Mechanism of a Cu(I)/Calix[8]arene Supramolecular CatalystArticle Artikel 21-Oct-2022
6Talmazan, Radu Alexandru ; Hofer, Thomas ; Castillo, Ivan ; Podewitz, Maren Evolving your model: A QM/MM/MD Study on C-N Coupling under ConfinementPresentation VortragAug-2022
7Talmazan, Radu Alexandru ; Castillo, Ivan ; Hofer, Thomas ; Podewitz, Maren QM/MM MD operando catalysis: dynamics of C-N coupling with a Cu calix[8]arene supramolecular catalystPresentation Vortrag5-Jul-2022
8Talmazan, Radu A. ; Refugio Monroy, J. ; del Río‐Portilla, Federico ; Castillo, Ivan ; Podewitz, Maren Cover Feature: Encapsulation Enhances the Catalytic Activity of C‐N Coupling: Reaction Mechanism of a Cu(I)/Calix[8]arene Supramolecular Catalyst (ChemCatChem 20/2022)Article Artikel2022