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Schmidl, Doreen

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Kallab, Martin ; Hommer, Nikolaus ; Tan, Bingyao ; Pfister, Martin ; Schlatter, Andreas ; Werkmeister, René M. ; Chua, Jacqueline ; Schmidl, Doreen ; Schmetterer, Leopold ; Garhöfer, Gerhard Plexus-specific effect of flicker-light stimulation on the retinal microvasculature assessed with optical coherence tomography angiographyArtikel Article 2021
2Aranha dos Santos, Valentin ; Schmetterer, Leopold ; Triggs, Graham J. ; Leitgeb, Rainer A. ; Gröschl, Martin ; Messner, Alina ; Schmidl, Doreen ; Garhofer, Gerhard ; Aschinger, Gerold ; Werkmeister, René M. Super-resolved thickness maps of thin film phantoms and in vivo visualization of tear film lipid layer using OCTArtikel Article 2016