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Centrone, Andrea

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1Wang-2023-Science Advances-vor.pdf.jpgWang, Mingkang ; Perez-Morelo, Diego J ; Ramer, Georg ; Pavlidis, Georges ; Schwartz, Jeffrey J ; Yu, Liya ; Ilic, Robert ; Centrone, Andrea ; Aksyuk, Vladimir A Beating thermal noise in a dynamic signal measurement by a nanofabricated cavity optomechanical sensorArticle Artikel 15-Mar-2023
2Wang, Mingkang ; Ramer, Georg ; Perez Morelo, Diego ; Pavlidis, Georges ; Schwartz, Jeffrey ; Yu, Liya ; Ilic, Robert ; Aksyuk, Vladimir A ; Centrone, Andrea High Throughput Nanoimaging of Thermal Conductivity and Interfacial Thermal ConductanceArticle Artikel 8-Jun-2022