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Tiefenboeck, Thomas M.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Tiefenboeck, Thomas M. ; Payr, Stephan ; Bajenov, Olga ; Dangl, Theresia ; Koch, Thomas ; Komjati, Micha ; Sarahrudi, Kambiz Different storage times and their effect on the bending load to failure testing of murine bone tissueArtikel Article 2020
2Tiefenboeck, Thomas M. ; Payr, Stephan ; Bajenov, Olga ; Koch, Thomas ; Komjati, Micha ; Sarahrudi, Kambiz Effect of two (short-term) storage methods on load to failure testing of murine bone tissueArtikel Article 2019
3Tiefenboeck, Thomas M. ; Hirtler, Lena ; Winnisch, Markus ; Binder, Harald ; Koch, Thomas ; Komjati, Micha ; Hofbauer, Marcus ; Ostermann, Roman C. The buried knot technique for all inside graft link preparation leads to superior biomechanical graft link stabilityArtikel Article 2019
4Tiefenboeck, Thomas M. ; Hirtler, Lena ; Winnisch, Markus ; Joestl, Julian ; Koch, Thomas ; Komjati, Micha ; Hofbauer, Marcus ; Ostermann, Roman C. A bigger suture diameter for anterior cruciate ligament allinside graft link preparation leads to better graft stability: An anatomical specimen studyArtikel Article 2018