Full name Familienname, Vorname
Hu, Haoyu
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Setty, Chandan ; Sur, Shouvik ; Chen, Lei ; Xie, Fang ; Hu, Haoyu ; Bühler-Paschen, Silke ; Cano, Jennifer ; Si, Qimiao Symmetry constraints and spectral crossing in a Mott insulator with Green’s function zerosPreprint Preprint31-Jan-2023
2Chen, Lei ; Setty, Chandan ; Hu, Haoyu ; Garcia Vergniory, Maia ; Grefe, Sarah Elaine ; Fischer, Lukas ; Yan, Xinlin ; Eguchi, Gaku ; Prokofiev, Andrey ; Paschen, Silke ; Cano, Jennifer ; Si, Qimiao Topological semimetal driven by strong correlations and crystalline symmetryArticle Artikel Nov-2022
3Cai, Ang ; Hu, Haoyu ; Ingersent, Kevin ; Paschen, Silke ; Si, Qimiao Dynamical Kondo effect and Kondo destruction in effective models for quantum-critical heavy fermion metalsPreprint Preprint2019