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Braeuninger-Weimer, Philipp

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Braeuninger-Weimer, Philipp ; Burton, Oliver ; Weatherup, Robert S. ; Wang, Ruizhi ; Dudin, Pavel ; Brennan, Barry ; Pollard, Andrew J. ; Bayer, Bernhard C. ; Veigang-Radulescu, Vlad P. ; Meyer, Jannik C. ; Murdoch, Billy J. ; Cumpson, Peter J. ; Hofmann, Stephan Reactive intercalation and oxidation at the buried graphene-germanium interfaceArtikel Article 2019
2Caneva, Sabina ; Weatherup, Robert S. ; Bayer, B. C. ; Blume, Raoul ; Carbrero-Vilatela, Andrea ; Braeuninger-Weimer, Philipp ; Martin, Marie-Blandine ; Wang, Ruizhi ; Baehtz, Carsten ; Schloegl, Robert ; Meyer, Jannik ; Hofmann, Stephan Controlling Catalyst Bulk Reservoir Effects for Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride CVDArtikel Article 2016