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Troitskaya, N. I.

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Ivanov, A. N. ; Höllwieser, R. ; Troitskaya, N. I. ; Wellenzohn, M. ; Berdnikov, Ya. A. Gauge and infrared properties of hadronic structure of nucleon in neutron beta decay to order O(α/π) in standard V−A effective theory with QED and linear sigma model of strong low-energy interactionsArtikel Article 2019
2Ivanov, Andrey Nikolaevich ; Höllwieser, Roman ; Troitskaya, N. I. ; Wellenzohn, M. ; Berdnikov, Ya. A. Radiative corrections of order O(𝛼Eₑ/mɴ) to Sirlin’s radiative corrections of order O(𝛼/π) to the neutron lifetimeArtikel Article 2019
3Ivanov, A. N. ; Höllwieser, R. ; Troitskaya, N. I. ; Wellenzohn, M. ; Berdnikov, Ya. A. Tests of the standard model in neutron β decay with a polarized neutron and electron and an unpolarized protonArtikel Article 19-Sep-2018
4Ivanov, A. N. ; Höllwieser, R. ; Troitskaya, N. I. ; Wellenzohn, M. ; Berdnikov, Ya. A. Gauge Properties of Hadronic Structure of Nucleon in Neutron Radiative Beta Decay to Order O(alpha/pi) in Standard V - A Effective Theory with QED and Linear Sigma Model of Strong Low-Energy InteractionsArtikel Article 2018
5Ivanov, A. N. ; Höllwieser, R. ; Troitskaya, N. I. ; Wellenzohn, M. ; Berdnikov, Ya. A. Precision analysis of electron energy spectrum and angular distribution of neutron β− decay with polarized neutron and electronArtikel Article 2017
6Ivanov, A. N. ; Höllwieser, R. ; Wellenzohn, M. ; Troitskaya, N. I. ; Berdnikov, Ya. A. Internal bremsstrahlung of β decay of atomic 35S16Artikel Article Dec-2014
7Ivanov, A. N. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Höllwieser, R. ; Troitskaya, N. I. ; Wellenzohn, M. ; Berdnikov, Ya. A. β-decay rates of bare ¹⁰⁸Ag⁴⁷⁺ and H-like ¹⁰⁸Ag⁴⁶⁺ ionsArtikel Article Sep-2014
8Ivanov, A. N. ; Pitschmann, M. ; Troitskaya, N. I. ; Berdnikov, Ya. A. Bound-state β⁻ decay of the neutron re-examinedArtikel Article May-2014
9Ivanov, A. N. ; Pitschmann, M. ; Troitskaya, N. I. Neutron β⁻ decay as a laboratory for testing the standard modelArtikel Article 10-Oct-2013
10Faber, M. ; Faifman, M. P. ; Ivanov, A. N. ; Marton, J. ; Pitschmann, M. ; Troitskaya, N. I. Energy-level displacement of excited np states of kaonic deuterium in a Faddeev-equation approachArtikel Article 14-Dec-2011
11Faber, M. ; Ivanov, A. N. ; Kienle, P. ; Kryshen, E. L. ; Pitschmann, M. ; Troitskaya, N. I. On "GSI Oscillations" as Interference of Two Closely Spaced GroundMass Eigenstates of H-LikeMother IonsArtikel Article2009
12Faber, M. ; Ivanov, A. N. ; Troitskaya, N. I. On the Evaluation of the Evolution Operator ZReg(R2, R1) in the Diakonov-Petrov Approach to theWilson LoopArtikel Article2007