Full name Familienname, Vorname
Weingart, Georg
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

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12022-Toxins-vor.pdf.jpgStreit, Barbara ; Czabany, Tibor ; Weingart, Georg ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina ; Prasad, Shreenath Toolbox for the Extraction and Quantification of Ochratoxin A and Ochratoxin Alpha Applicable for Different Pig and Poultry MatricesArticle Artikel Jul-2022
2Griesser, Michaela ; Weingart, Georg ; Schoedl-Hummel, Katharina ; Neumann, Nora ; Becker, Manuel ; Varmuza, Kurt ; Liebner, Falk ; Schuhmacher, Rainer ; Forneck, Astrid Severe drought stress is affecting selected primary metabolites, polyphenols, and volatile metabolites in grapevine leavesArtikel Article2015