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Schmidt, Richard

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1Schmidt, Richard ; Whalen, J.D. ; Ding, R. ; Camargo, F. ; Woehl Jr, G ; Yoshida, Shuhei ; Burgdörfer, Joachim ; Dunning, F.B. ; Demler, E. ; Sadeghpour, H.R. ; Kilian, T.C. Theory of excitation of Rydberg polarons in an atomic quantum gasArtikel Article 22-Feb-2018
2Camargo, F. ; Schmidt, Richard ; Whalen, J.D. ; Ding, R. ; Woehl Jr, G ; Yoshida, Shuhei ; Burgdörfer, Joachim ; Dunning, F.B. ; Sadeghpour, H.R. ; Demler, E. ; Kilian, T.C. Creation of Rydberg Polarons in a Bose GasArtikel Article 22-Feb-2018