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Topa, Dan
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Topa, Dan ; Sicher, Paul ; Keutsch, Frank ; Kolitsch, Uwe ; Stanley, Chris BaiamareiteArticle Artikel11-Oct-2023
2Topa, Dan ; Stöger, Berthold ; Kolitsch, Uwe ; Keutsch, Franz ; Raber, Thomas ; Stanley, Chris BuyniteArticle Artikel11-Oct-2023
3Topa, Dan ; Stöger, Berthold ; Kolitsch, Uwe ; Keutsch, Frank ; Stanley, Chris ; Raber, Thomas ValouiseiteArticle Artikel11-Oct-2023
4Topa, Dan ; Stöger, Berthold ; Kolitsch, Uwe ; Keutsch, Frank ; Stanley, Chris HayyaniteArticle Artikel11-Oct-2023
5Stöger, Berthold ; Göb, Christian ; Topa, Dan A fresh view on the structure and twinning of owyheeite, a rod-polytype and twofold superstructureArticle Artikel 1-Aug-2023
6Topa, Dan ; Stöger, Berthold ; Kolitsch, Uwe ; Keutsch, Frank ; Stanley, Chris Dewitite, IMA 2019-098Article Artikel25-Oct-2021
7Makovicky, Emil ; Stöger, Berthold ; Topa, Dan The incommensurately modulated crystal structure of roshchinite, Cu0.09Ag1.04Pb0.65Sb2.82As0.37S6.08Artikel Article 2018
8Makovicky, Emil ; Topa, Dan ; Stoeger, Berthold The crystal structures of heptasartorite, Tl₇Pb₂₂As₅₅S₁₀₈, and enneasartorite, Tl₆Pb₃₂As₇₀S₁₄₀, two members of an anion-omission series of complex sulfosalts from Lengenbach, the Swiss Alps, and comparison with the structures of As-Sb sartorite homologuesArtikel Article 2018
9Topa, Dan ; Makovicky, Emil ; Stöger, Berthold ; Stanley, Chris Heptasartorite, Tl₇Pb₂₂As₅₅S₁₀₈, enneasartorite, Tl₆Pb₃₂As₇₀S₁₄₀ and hendekasartorite, Tl₂Pb₄₈As₈₂S₁₇₂, three members of the anion-omission series of 'sartorites' from the Lengenbach quarry at Binntal, Wallis, SwitzerlandArtikel Article 2017