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O'Connor, Patrick

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Reimann, Clemens ; Négrel, Philippe ; Ladenberger, Anna ; Birke, Manfred ; Filzmoser, Peter ; O'Connor, Patrick ; Demetriades, Alecos Comment on "Maps of heavy metals in the soils of the European Union and proposed priority areas for detailed assessment" by Tóth, G., Hermann, T., Szatmári, G., Pásztor, L.Artikel Article 2017
2Reimann, Clemens ; Négrel, Philippe ; Ladenberger, Anna ; Birke, Manfred ; Filzmoser, Peter ; O'Connor, Patrick ; Demetriades, Alecos Comment on "Heavy metals in agricultural soil of the European Union with implications for food safety" by G. Toth, T. Hermann, M.R. Da Silva, and L. MontanarellaArtikel Article 2016