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TU Wien Login

Enter your username and password

Students and staff can set themselves a new password after logging in with ID Austria.

For all others:

  • Students can get a new password at the Service Centre (Operngasse 11, ground floor). Please be sure to bring your student ID with you!
  • Students who are also on the staff of the TU Vienna can alternatively get their password from the address manager.
  • TU employees can get a new password from the address manager of their structural element.

Note: Setting by an address manager requires the use of the default setting "Address manager may set TU password".

ID Austria Logo Login with ID Austria

External library access is through the library catalog. Other service providers are not available.

Login information

You can use the following as your username:

  • The username of an upTUdate account, if this contains an "@" then only use the part up to this.
  • The generic email address in the form firstname.[middle.], the part from the "@" onwards is optional.
  • Your student number (eight-digit) without any letter prefix. Seven-digit student numbers require a leading 0.

The password is your TUaccount Password.

The two-factor authentication key must be generated and is only required for accounts which have activated two-factor authentication.