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Pospichal, Bernhard

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Berger, Tania ; Amann, Christof ; Formayer, Herbert ; Korjenic, Azra ; Pospichal, Bernhard ; Neururer, Christoph ; Smutny, Roman Impacts of external insulation and reduced internal heat loads upon energy demand of offices in the context of climate change in Vienna, AustriaArtikel Article 2016
2Berger, Tania ; Amann, Christof ; Formayer, Herbert ; Korjenic, Azra ; Pospichal, Bernhard ; Neururer, Christoph ; Smutny, Roman Impacts of urban location and climate change upon energy demand of office buildings in Vienna, AustriaArtikel Article2014