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Kockelmann, W.

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Griesser, M. ; Kockelmann, W. ; Hradil, K. ; Traum, R. New insights into the manufacturing technique and corrosion of high leaded antique bronze coinsArtikel Article 2016
2Barcza, A. ; Gercsi, Z. ; Michor, H. ; Suzuki, K. ; Kockelmann, W. ; Knight, K. S. ; Sandeman, K. G. Magnetoelastic coupling and competing entropy changes in substituted CoMnSi metamagnetsArtikel Article2013
3Hillier, A. D. ; Adroja, D. T. ; Kockelmann, W. ; Chapon, L. C. ; Rayaprol, S. ; Manuel, P. ; Michor, H. ; Sampathkumaran, E. V. Noncollinear magnetic order in the S = ½ magnet Sr₃ZnRhO₆Artikel Article 27-Jan-2011
4Deen, P. P. ; Strydom, A. M. ; Paschen, S. ; Adroja, D. T. ; Kockelmann, W. ; Rols, S. Quantum fluctuations and the magnetic ground state of Ce₃Pd₂₀Si₆Artikel Article 24-Feb-2010
5Bauer, E. ; Grytsiv, A. ; Rogl, P. ; Kockelmann, W. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Goremychkin, E.A. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Park, J.-G. Neutron scattering and μSR studies on the skutterudite Pr0.73Fe4Sb12Artikel Article 2007