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Chaud, X

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Prikhna, T ; Eisterer, M ; Chaud, X ; Weber, H W ; Habisreuther, T ; Moshchil, V ; Kozyrev, A ; Shapovalov, A ; Gawalek, W ; Wu, M ; Litzkendorf, D ; Goldacker, W ; Sokolovsky, V ; Shaternik, V ; Rabier, J ; Joulain, A ; Grechnev, G ; Boutko, V ; Gusev, A ; Shaternik, A ; Barvitskiy, P Pinning and trapped field in MgB₂- and MT-YBaCuO bulk superconductors manufactured under pressureArtikel Article2016
2Diko, P ; Antal, V ; Zmorayová, K ; Šefčiková, M ; Chaud, X ; Kováč, J ; Yao, X ; Chen, I ; Eisterer, M ; Weber, H W The influence of post-growth thermal treatments on the critical current density of TSMG YBCO bulk superconductorsArtikel Article2010
3Antal, V ; Kaňuchová, M ; Šefčiková, M ; Kováč, J ; Diko, P ; Eisterer, M ; Hörhager, N ; Zehetmayer, M ; Weber, H W ; Chaud, X Flux pinning in Al doped TSMG YBCO bulk superconductorsArtikel Article2009