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Schöber, J.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schöber, J. ; Achleitner, S. ; Bellinger, J. ; Kirnbauer, R. ; Schöberl, F. Analysis and modelling of snow bulk density in the Tyrolean AlpsArtikel Article 2016
2Bellinger, J. ; Achleitner, S. ; Schöber, J. ; Schöberl, F. ; Kirnbauer, R. ; Schneider, K. The impact of different elevation steps on simulation of snow covered area and the resulting runoff varianceArtikel Article2012
3Achleitner, S. ; Schöber, J. ; Rinderer, M. ; Leonhardt, G. ; Schöberl, F. ; Kirnbauer, R. ; Schönlaub, H. Analyzing the operational performance of the hydrological models in an alpine flood forecasting systemArtikel Article2012
4Schöber, J. ; Achleitner, S. ; Kirnbauer, R. ; Schöberl, F. ; Schönlaub, H. Impact of Snow State Variation for Design Flood Simulations in Glacierized CatchmentsArtikel Article2012