Full name Familienname, Vorname
Caffey, David P.
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Kazakov, Dmitry ; Letsou, Theodore P. ; Piccardo, Marco ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Columbo, Lorenzo ; Brambilla, Massimo ; Prati, Franco ; Lugiato, Luigi A. ; Pushkarsky M ; Caffey, David ; Day, Timothy ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Capasso, Federico Coherently driven active resonator frequency combs in the mid-infraredInproceedings KonferenzbeitragMay-2023
2Mansuripur, Tobias S. ; Vernet, Camille ; Chevalier, Paul ; Aoust, Guillaume ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Xie, Feng ; Caneau, Catherine ; Lascola, Kevin ; Zah, Chung-en ; Caffey, David P. ; Day, Timothy ; Missaggia, Leo J. ; Connors, Michael K. ; Wang, Christine A. ; Belyanin, Alexey ; Capasso, Federico Single-mode instability in standing-wave lasers: The quantum cascade laser as a self-pumped parametric oscillatorArtikel Article 2016