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Heiss, W.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gollner, Claudia ; Ziegler, Johannes ; Protesescu, Loredana ; Dirin, Dmitry ; Lechner, R. T. ; Fritz-Popovski, Gerhard ; Sytnyk, Mykhailo ; Yakunin, Sergii ; Rotter, Stefan ; Abbas Yousefi, Amir ; Vidal, Cynthia ; Hrelescu, Calin ; Klar, Thomas A. ; Kovalenko, M. V. ; Heiss, W. Random lasing with systematic threshold behavior in films of CdSe/CdS core/thick-shell colloidal quantum dotsArtikel Article 2015
2Humer, I. ; Bethge, O. ; Bodnarchuk, M. ; Kovalenko, M. ; Yarema, M. ; Heiss, W. ; Huber, H. P. ; Hochleitner, M. ; Hinterdorfer, P. ; Kienberger, F. ; Smoliner, J. Scanning microwave microscopy and scanning capacitance microscopy on colloidal nanocrystalsArtikel Article2011
3Palankovski, V. ; Wagner, M. ; Heiss, W. Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in PbTeKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008