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Arinicheva, O. A.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Lileev, A. S. ; Arinicheva, O. A. ; Reissner, M. ; Kubel, F. ; Sein, V. A. Effect of Cyclic Heat Treatment in the Temperature Range of 800-400 A degrees C on the Properties of Sintered Magnets Based on Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)(z)Artikel Article2015
2Arinicheva, O. A. ; Lileev, A. S. ; Reissner, M. ; Kubel, F. ; Dormidontov, A. G. Effect of Homogenization Temperature on the Structure and Properties of Sintered Magents Based on Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr) (z)Artikel Article2015
3Arinicheva, O. A. ; Lileev, A. S. ; Lukin, A. A. ; Reissner, M. ; Kubel, F. Low Temperature Magnetic Properties and Phase Composition of Magnets of Type (Pr, Dy) - (Fe, Co, Al, Cu) - BArtikel Article2015
4Arinicheva, O. A. ; Lileev, A. S. ; Reissner, M. ; Dormidontov, A. G. Effect of heat treatment modes on the structure and magnetic properties of sintered permanent magnets based on Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)zArtikel Article2013