Full name Familienname, Vorname
Jaritz, Simon
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Jaritz, Simon Combined single molecule tracking and atomic force microscopy to elucidate enzyme-induced collagen degradation kineticsPresentation Vortrag12-Sep-2023
2Jaritz, Simon ; Rufin, Manuel ; Schütz, Gerhard ; Thurner, Philipp ; Andriotis, Orestis A correlative study using single molecule localization microscopy and atomic force microscopy of collagen fibrilsPresentation Vortrag2-Aug-2023
3Rufin, Manuel ; Jaritz, Simon ; Schütz, Gerhard ; Thurner, Philipp ; Andriotis, Orestis The Heterogeneity of Enzymatic Collagen Breakdown: A Closer Look at Individual Tendonous FibrilsPresentation Vortrag23-May-2023
4Rufin, Manuel ; Jaritz, Simon ; Schütz, Gerhard ; Thurner, Philipp ; Andriotis, Orestis In-Situ Tracking of Collagen Fibril Mechanics and Morphology during Digestion by MMP-1 through Atomic Force MicroscopyPresentation Vortrag28-Sep-2022
5Rufin, Manuel ; Jaritz, Simon ; Schütz, Gerhard ; Thurner, Philipp ; Andriotis, Orestis DIGESTION OF COLLAGEN FIBRILS TROUGH MMP-1: LIVE TRACKING OF MECHANICS THROUGH NANOINDENTATIONPresentation Vortrag27-Jun-2022
6Rufin, Manuel ; Jaritz, Simon ; Schütz, Gerhard ; Thurner, Philipp ; Andriotis, Orestis Digestion of collagen fibrils through MMP-1: Live tracking of mechanics through nanoindentationPresentation Vortrag26-Jun-2022
7Rufin, Manuel ; Jaritz, Simon ; Schütz, Gerhard ; Thurner, Philipp ; Andriotis, Orestis Morphological and mechanical monitoring of in situ collagen fibril digestion by MMPsPresentation Vortrag28-Apr-2022