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Hergott, J-F

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Haessler, S ; Strelkov, V ; Elouga Bom, L B ; Khokhlova, M ; Gobert, O ; Hergott, J-F ; Lepetit, F ; Perdrix, M ; Ozaki, T ; Salières, P Phase distortions of attosecond pulses produced by resonance-enhanced high harmonic generationArtikel Article2013
2Haessler, S ; Bom, L B Elouga ; Gobert, O ; Hergott, J-F ; Lepetit, F ; Perdrix, M ; Carré, B ; Ozaki, T ; Salières, P Femtosecond envelope of the high-harmonic emission from ablation plasmasArtikel Article2012