Proceedings of the 15th International Rule Challenge, 7th Industry Track, and 5th Doctoral Consortium @ RuleML+RR 2021 co-located with 17th Reasoning Web Summer School {(RW} 2021) and 13th DecisionCAMP 2021 as part of Declarative {AI} 2021, Leuven, Belgium (virtual due to Covid-19 pandemic), 8 - 15 September, 2021}

Book title Buchtitel
Proceedings of the 15th International Rule Challenge, 7th Industry Track, and 5th Doctoral Consortium @ RuleML+RR 2021 co-located with 17th Reasoning Web Summer School {(RW} 2021) and 13th DecisionCAMP 2021 as part of Declarative {AI} 2021, Leuven, Belgium (virtual due to Covid-19 pandemic), 8 - 15 September, 2021}

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