Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2017
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Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2017
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Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date | |
1 | Mucciolo, Gianluigi ; Koneczny, Barbara ; Saggese, Alessia ; Artner, Nicole ; Kropatsch, Walter ; vento, Mario | Analysis and Calibration of a Mirror Setup producing Mirror-reflected, Multi-view Videos | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2017 | |
2 | Oliva, Leonardo ; Saggese, Alessia ; Artner, Nicole ; Kropatsch, Walter ; vento, Mario | From trajectories to behaviors: an algorithm to track and describe dancing birds | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2017 | |
3 | Janusch, Ines ; Kropatsch, Walter | LBP Scale Space Origins for Shape Classification | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2017 |