Programme & Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research in Civil Engineering Sciences (IS-IRCES)

Book title Buchtitel
Programme & Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research in Civil Engineering Sciences (IS-IRCES)
Publisher Herausgeber
Technische Universität Wien

Publications Publikationen

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Buchner, Thomas ; Kiefer, Thomas ; Königsberger, Markus ; Jäger, Andreas ; Füssl, Josef Continuum micromechanics model for fired clay bricks: Upscaling of experimentally identified microstructural features to macroscopic elastic stiffness and thermal conductivityKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
2Wang, Hui ; Yuan, Yong ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Pichler, Bernhard Multiscale Response of Thermally Loaded Concrete PavementsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
3Zhang, Jiaolong ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Liu, X. ; Yuan, Yong ; Pichler, Bernhard Multiscale Structural Analysis of Segmental Tunnel Rings Based on Monitoring DataKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
4Schlappal, Thomas ; Kalliauer, Johannes ; Schweigler, Michael ; Gmainer, S. ; Vill, Markus ; Eberhardsteiner, Josef ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Pichler, Bernhard Structural Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete Hinges: From Laboratory Testing to Design RecommendationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
5Binder, Eva ; Derkowski, Wit ; Pichler, Bernhard ; Bader, Thomas Time-Dependent Behavior of Hybrid Structures: An Interdisciplinary Modeling Approach for Cocrete and TimberKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
6Höller, Raphael ; Smejkal, Valerie ; Libisch, Florian ; Hellmich, Christian Upscaling From Electrons to Membranes: Quantification of the Anisotropic Elasticity of GrapheneKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
7Scheiner, Stefan Utilization of Continuum Micromechanical Up- and Down-Scaling Relations for Studying Transport Processes in Porous MediaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021