November Conference Vienna. Public Space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe: Politics and culture. 10th and 11th November 2010. Palais Kabelwerk, 12. District. Book of Abstracts

Book title Buchtitel
November Conference Vienna. Public Space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe: Politics and culture. 10th and 11th November 2010. Palais Kabelwerk, 12. District. Book of Abstracts
Publisher Herausgeber
SKuOR - Arbeitsbereich Stadtkultur und Öffentlicher Raum
Place of publishing Erscheinungsort

Publications Publikationen

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PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Schütz, Theresa ; Semlitsch, Emanuela ; Stempfer, Wolfgang Remains (Workshop)Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010