Europhysics Conference Abstract Volume 38 E

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Europhysics Conference Abstract Volume 38 E

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1Fernandez, Alma ; Verhoef, Aart ; Kamali, Tschackad ; Hansen, A. K. ; Jensen, O. B. ; Andersen, P. E. ; Sumpf, B. ; Erbert, G. ; Petersen, P. M. ; Baltuska, Andrius ; Drexler, W. ; Unterhuber, Angelika A high power Ti:sapphire laser with synchronized Yb-fiber amplifier for nonlinear optical microscopy and optical coherence tomographyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
2Flöry, Tobias ; Malevich, Pavel N. ; Pugzlys, Audrius ; Voronin, Aleksandr A. ; Zheltikov, Aleksei M. ; Baltuska, Andrius Generation of Tunable Few-Cycle mid-IR Pulses by Guided-Wave Optical Parametric AmplificationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
3Verhoef, Aart ; Jespersen, Kim ; Andersen, Thomas V. ; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars ; Flöry, Tobias ; Zhu, Lingxiao ; Baltuska, Andrius ; Fernandez, Alma High peak-power monolithic femtosecond ytterbium fiber chirped pulse amplifier with a spliced-on hollow core fiber compressorKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
4Verhoef, Aart ; Jespersen, Kim ; Andersen, Thomas V. ; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars ; Flöry, Tobias ; Zhu, Lingxiao ; Baltuska, Andrius ; Fernandez, Alma Self-starting all-polarization maintaining Yb-fiber laser with a polarization maintaining anomalous dispersion higher-order- mode fiberKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
5Fan, Guangyu Y. ; Balciunas, Tadas ; Hässler, Stefan ; Fourcade-Dutin, Coralie ; Witting, T. ; Voronin, Aleksandr A. ; Zheltikov, Aleksei M. ; Frédéric, G. ; Paulus, Gerhard ; Baltuska, Andrius ; Benabid, F. Strong field applications of Gigawatt self-compressed pulses from a Kagome fiberKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014