The Colours of Spatial Planning : Perspectives from the TU Wien's Research Units

Book title Buchtitel
The Colours of Spatial Planning : Perspectives from the TU Wien's Research Units
Publisher Herausgeber
Verlag Österreich
Place of publishing Erscheinungsort

Publications Publikationen

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Damjanovic, Dragana 50 years of spatial planning from the perspective of the Research Unit of LawBook Contribution Buchbeitrag2023
2Dillinger-2023-The Colours of Spatial Planning-vor.pdf.jpgDillinger, Thomas ; Dumke, Hartmut ; Grinzinger, Elias ; Hirschler, Petra ; Janesch, Theresa Lisa ; Schimak, Gerhard ; Stumfol, Isabel ; Svanda, Nina ; Youssef, Daniel ; Zech, Sibylla Forever young — 15 years of (t)raum.regionBook Contribution Buchbeitrag 2023
3Voigt-2023-Local Planning municipalities as spatial research labs-vor.pdf.jpgVoigt, Andreas Local Planning: municipalities as spatial research labsBook Contribution Buchbeitrag 2023
4Güntner, Simon Andreas ; Hamedinger, Alexander ; Witthöft, Gesa ; Barning, Lucas Spatial planning science for the socio-ecological transformationBook Contribution Buchbeitrag2023