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E-MRS 2021 Fall Meeting

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1Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Schrenk, Florian ; Popovic, Janko ; Rameshan, Raffael ; Drexler, Hedda ; Navratil, Tina ; Berger, Tobias ; Rameshan, Christoph Doped Perovskite Oxides as Versatile Catalysts towards Fuel ProductionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
2Rameshan, Raffael ; Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Schrenk, Florian ; Ruh, Thomas ; Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander ; Rameshan, Christoph Tailoring of Catalyst Surfaces for Energy Conversion - In-situ Studies of Electrochemical driven Nanoparticle ExsolutionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
3Schrenk, Florian ; Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Rameshan, Raffael ; Drexler, Hedda ; Rameshan, Christoph The potential of doped perovskites as catalysts for methane dry reformingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021