Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium 2012

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Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium 2012

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1Angeli, Thomas ; Talla, Roman ; Fomina, Elena ; Barta, Norbert ; Tschan, Harald ; Bachl, Norbert ; Kozlovskaya, Inesa Benediktovna Mars 500: Training and Diagnostic with a Multifunctional Dynamometer for Application in SpaceKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
2Talla, Roman ; Adamcik, Georg ; Barta, Norbert ; Kozlovskaya, Inesa Benediktovna ; Tschan, Harald ; Bachl, Norbert ; Angeli, Thomas New Training and Diagnostic Strategies to Counteract Muscle and Bone Loss in MicrogravityKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012