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IUGG 2007
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Event for scientific audience
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PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Böhm, Johannes ; Mendes Cerveira, Pj. ; Englich, Sigrid ; Weber, Robert ; Schuh, Harald Atmosphere angular momentum time series in the frame of GGOSPräsentation Presentation2007
2Todorova, Sonya ; Schuh, Harald ; Hobiger, Thomas ; Hernandez-Pajares, Manuel Combination of different space geodetic techniques towards integrated global ionosphere mapsPräsentation Presentation2007
3Mendes Cerveira, Pj. ; Klügel, Thomas ; Schreiber, Ulrich ; Velikoseltsev, H. ; Meurers, Bruno ; Schuh, Harald Earth rotation parameters from combined VLBI, ring laser and gravity observationsPräsentation Presentation2007
4Mendes Cerveira, Pj. ; Wresnik, Jörg ; Böhm, Johannes ; Hobiger, Thomas ; Kondo, Tetsuro ; Weber, Robert ; Salstein, David A. ; Schuh, Harald Semi-hourly polar motion and universal time series from the VLBI CONT02 data setPräsentation Presentation2007
5Friesen, Jan ; Hessel, Winsemius ; Beck, Rob ; Scipal, Klaus ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Van De Giesen, Nick Spatial and seasonal patterns of diurnal differences in ERS scatterometer soil moisture data in the Volta Basin, West AfricaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
6Weber, Robert ; Bruyninx, C. The IGS GNSS Working Group - Use of GNSS for Reference FramesPräsentation Presentation2007
7Weber, Robert ; Caissy, M. ; Collins, P. ; Opitz, Michael The International GNSS Service Real time Pilot ProjectPräsentation Presentation2007
8Englich, Sigrid ; Weber, Robert ; Schuh, Harald ; Mendes Cerveira, Pj. Tidal excitation of Earth rotation observed by GPS and VLBIPräsentation Presentation2007
9Wresnik, Jörg ; Böhm, Johannes ; Schuh, Harald Vienna VLBI SimulationsPräsentation Presentation2007
10Petrachenko, W. ; Behrend, Dirk ; Böhm, Johannes ; Corey, Brian ; Haas, R. ; Koyama, Yasuhiro ; MacMillan, Dan ; Malkin, Zinovy ; Niell, Arthur ; Tuccari, G. ; Wresnik, Jörg VLBI 2010Präsentation Presentation2007
11Tanir, Emine ; Tornatore, V ; Böhm, Johannes ; Felstenstein, K. ; Schuh, Harald VLBI Intra-technique Combination for Kalman Filter and Least-Squares SolutionsPräsentation Presentation2007
12Behrend, Dirk ; Böhm, Johannes ; Charlot, Patrick ; Clark, T. ; Corey, Brian ; Gipson, J. ; Haas, R. ; Koyama, Yasuhiro ; MacMillan, Dan ; Malkin, Zinovy ; Niell, Arthur ; Nilsson, Sten ; Petrachenko, W. ; Rogers, A. ; Tuccari, G. ; Wresnik, Jörg VLBI2010Präsentation Presentation2007