2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

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2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
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1Sama, Jordi ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Casals, Olga ; Gracia, Isabel ; Cane, Carles ; Romano-Rodriquez, Albert Energy-Efficient Localised Growth of SnO2 Nanowires on Micromembranes for the Fabrication of Advanced Low Power Gas SensorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
2Sama, Jordi ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Prades, Joan Daniel ; Seifner, Michael S. ; Casals, Olga ; Gracia, Isabel ; Santander, Joaquin ; Calaza, Carlos ; Fonseca, Luis ; Cane, Carles ; Romano-Rodriquez, Albert Localized Growth and In-Situ Functionalisation of Ge Nanowires for Advanced Low Power Gas SensorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013