QCM14 - Quantum Critical Matter - From Atoms To Bulk

Event name
QCM14 - Quantum Critical Matter - From Atoms To Bulk
Event type
Event for scientific audience
Start date
End date
Obergurgl, Austria
Event format Veranstaltungsformat
On Site

Publications Publikationen

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Geiger, Diana ; Nguyen, Duy Ha ; Sidorenko, Andrey ; Putz, Stefan ; Majer, J. ; Paschen, Silke Applying microwave resonators to measure the dynamical response in the vicinity of a quantum critical pointPräsentation Presentation2014
2Sidorenko, Andrey ; Larrea Jiménez, Julio Antonio ; Strydom, A. ; Onuki, Y. ; Paschen, Silke CeB6: is there a quantum critical point?Präsentation Presentation2014
3Barisić, Neven Conventional and unconventional aspects of high-Tc superconductorsPräsentation Presentation2014
4Larrea Jiménez, Julio Antonio Converse effects of pressure on quadrupolar and magnetic transition in Ce3Pd20Si6Präsentation Presentation2014
5Nguyen, Duy Ha ; Sidorenko, Andrey ; Geiger, Diana ; Müller, Martin ; Paschen, Silke Cooling metallic samples down to microkelvin temperatures for transport properties measurementsPräsentation Presentation2014
6Galler, Anna ; Wallerberger, Markus ; Tomczak, Jan ; Held, Karsten Correlation effects in the intermetallic CrSb2Präsentation Presentation2014
7Schäfer, Thomas ; Geles, F. ; Rost, D. ; Rohringer, Georg ; Arrigoni, Enrico ; Held, Karsten ; Blümer, N. ; Aichhorn, M. ; Toschi, Alessandro Fate of the Mott metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard ModelPräsentation Presentation2014
8Held, Karsten Poor man's understanding of kinks in strongly correlated electron systemsPräsentation Presentation2014
9Prochaska, Lukas ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Detz, Hermann ; MacFarland, Donald ; Schrenk, Werner ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Zederbauer, Tobias ; Paschen, Silke Towards heavy fermion films grown by MBEPräsentation Presentation2014