ITiCSE 2023: Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education

Event name
ITiCSE 2023: Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
Event type
Event for scientific audience
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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Prather, James ; Denny, Paul ; Leinonen, Juho ; Becker, Brett ; Albluwi, Ibrahim ; Caspersen, Michael E. ; Craig, Michelle ; Keuning, Hieke ; Kiesler, Natalie ; Kohn, Tobias ; Luxton-Reilly, Andrew ; MacNeil, Stephen ; Petersen, Andrew ; Pettit, Raymond ; Reeves, Brent ; Savelka, Jaromir Transformed by Transformers: Navigating the AI Coding Revolution for Computing Education: An ITiCSE Working Group Conducted by HumansInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag29-Jun-2023