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Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Cirone, M.A. ; Negretti, A. ; Calarco, T. ; Krüger, P. ; Schmiedmayer, Jörg A simple quantum gate with atom chipsArtikel Article 2005
2Henkel, C. ; Schmiedmayer, Jörg ; Westbrook, C. Atom chips: manipulating atoms and molecules with microfabricated struArtikel Article 2005
3Barna, Imre Ference Coherent control calculations for helium atom in short and intensive XUV laser pulsesArtikel Article 2005
4Fam, Le Kien ; Schneeweiß, Philipp ; Rauschenbeutel, Arno Dynamical polarizability of atoms in arbitrary light fields: general theory and application to cesiumArtikel Article 2013
5Lederer, S. ; Winter, H. ; Winter, Hannspeter ; Aumayr, Friedrich Electronic excitations during grazing scattering of hydrogen atoms on KI(001) and LiF(001) surfacesArtikel Article 2006
6Lederer, S. ; Winter, H. ; Winter, Hannspeter ; Aumayr, Friedrich Electronic excitations during grazing scattering of hydrogen atoms on KI(001) and LiF(001) surfacesArtikel Article 2007
7Aumayr, Friedrich ; Becker, K.H. ; Marinkovic, Bratislav P. ; Matejcik, Stefan ; Tanis, J. Elementary processes with atoms and molecules in isolated and aggregated statesArtikel Article 2015
8Kofler, H. ; Schwarz, E. ; Wintner, E. Experimental development of a monolithic passively Q-switched diode-pumped Nd:YAG laserArtikel Article 2010
9Mazets, I. E. Integrability breakdown in longitudinaly trapped, one-dimensional bosonic gasesArtikel Article 2011
10O´Keeffe, Kevin ; Lezius, Matthias Negligible carrier envelope phase dependence of total single and double ionization yields of xenonArtikel Article 2006
11Hofmann, Cornelia ; Bray, Alexander ; Koch, Werner ; Ni, Hongcheng ; Shvetsov-Shilovski, Nikolay I Quantum battles in attoscience: tunnellingArticle Artikel 20-Jul-2021
12Zhang, B. ; Henkel, C. ; Haller, E. ; Wildermuth, S. ; Hofferberth, S. ; Krüger, P. ; Schmiedmayer, Jörg Relevance of sub-surface chip layers for the lifetime of magnetically trapped atomsArtikel Article 2005
13Kumar, Ragesh ; Barth, Sven Christian ; Bjornsson, Ragnar ; Ingólfsson, Oddur Structure and energetics in dissociative electron attachment to HFeCo₃(CO)₁₂Artikel Article Aug-2016