Title Titel
Microchimica Acta
Publisher Herausgeber
Publisher's Address Herausgeber Adresse
Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 8-10, Vienna, Austria, A-1040
Listed in SCI Aufgelistet im SCI
Peer reviewed Begutachtet

Publications Publikationen

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Brieseck, Michael ; Lengauer, Walter ; Gneiß, Birgit ; Wagner, Karin ; Wagner, Stephanie A straightforward method for analysing the grain-size distribution in tungsten carbide - cobalt hardmetalsArtikel Article 2010
2Dreer, Sabine ; Wilhartitz, Peter ; Satory, B ; Tessadri, Richard ; Piplits, Kurt ; Mayerhofer, Karl Emanuel Accurate Determination of Trace Amounts of Oxygen in CrAlN Hard Coatings by a Combination of WDS-EPMA and SIMSArtikel Article 2006
3Horak, Felix ; Nagl, Andreas ; Föttinger, Karin ; Limbeck, Andreas Application of micro-dried droplets for quantitative analysis of particulate inorganic samples with LA-ICP-MS demonstrated on surface-modified nanoparticle TiO2 catalyst materialsArtikel Article 2020
4Kolber, Thomas ; Piplits, Kurt ; Palmetshofer, Leopold ; Hutter, Herbert Characterisation of the element distribution within TiN coatings with SIMSArtikel Article 2000
5Nischkauer, Winfried ; Neouze, Marie-Alexandra ; Vanhaecke, Frank ; Limbeck, Andreas Extraction and pre-concentration of platinum and palladium from microwave-digested road dust via ion exchanging mesoporous silica microparticles prior to their quantification by quadrupole ICP-MSArtikel Article 2015
6Verbeeck, Jo ; Bertoni, Giovanni Model-based quantification of EELS: is standardless quantification possible?Artikel Article 2008
7Dreer, Sabine ; Wilhartitz, Peter ; Piplits, Kurt ; Hutter, Herbert ; Kopnarski, M ; Friedbacher, Gernot Quantitative Sputter Depth Profiling on Silicon- and Aluminium Oxinitride FilmsArtikel Article 2000
8Schmid, P. ; Peltz, C. ; Hammer, V.M.F. ; Halwax, Erich ; Ntaflos, Theodoros ; Nagl, Peter ; Bichler, Max Separation and Analysis of Theran Volcanic Glass by INAA, XRF and EPMAArtikel Article 2000