Title Titel
Defect and Diffusion Forum
Publisher Herausgeber
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Peer reviewed Begutachtet

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Rauchenwald, Elisabeth ; Lessiak, Mario ; Weissenbacher, Ronald ; Schwarz, Sabine ; Haubner, Roland Characterisation of chemical vapour deposited AlHfN coatingsArtikel Article 2020
2Haubner, Roland ; Strobl, Susanne ; Linhardt, Paul Effects on microstructure and corrosion behavior of a heat treated CuZn36Pb2 brassArtikel Article 2020
3Strobl, Susanne ; Haubner, Roland Investigation of the diffusion couple ductile cast iron / ironArtikel Article 2020
4Schmid, Alexander ; Mori, Gregor ; Haubner, Roland Metallographic documentation of the degradation of iron and nickel based alloys in HCl and H2S containing environments, between 480 - 680 °CArtikel Article 2020
5Haubner, Roland ; Strobl, Susanne The Copper-Arsenic eutecticum and the Cu3As phaseArtikel Article 2020