IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications

Title Titel
IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications
Publisher Herausgeber
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Peer reviewed Begutachtet
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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Zauner-2022-IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications-vor.pdf.jpgZauner, Michael ; Hametner, Christoph ; König, Oliver ; Jakubek, Stefan A Control Concept for Battery Emulators Using a Reference Governor With a Variable PT1-Element for Constraint HandlingArticle Artikel 26-Jun-2022
2Erdogan, Dennis ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Mayr, Christian ; Hametner, Christoph Model Predictive Feedforward Control for High-Dynamic Speed Control of Combustion Engine Test BedsArtikel Article 2021