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Paleoanthropology Society
Peer reviewed Begutachtet

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1Pietrobelli, Annalisa ; Tsegai, Zewdi ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew Comparing the trabecular structure of distal tibiae in extant hominid taxa: potential for inferring locomotor behaviourArticle Artikel24-Oct-2023
2Dunmore, Christopher ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Synek, Alexander ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew First insights into trabecular bone distribution in the first metacarpal of Homo nalediArticle Artikel24-Oct-2023
3Lukova, Andrea ; Bachmann, Sebastian ; Kivell, Tracy ; Skinner, Matthew Trabecular distribution of proximal tibia in extant apesArticle Artikel24-Oct-2023