Forschungsbereich Ökonomie

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E105-03 - Forschungsbereich Ökonomie
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Research Division
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Active Aktiv

Results 1-20 of 648 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Freiberger, Michael ; Rivic, Stefani ; Cencic, Oliver ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Rechberger, Helmut ; Scharff, Christoph Understanding the limitations of recycling and utilization targets for circular plastics managements: a general economic equilibrium model including material flow analysisPresentation Vortrag1-Jul-2024
2Garstenauer, Viola Somewhere in Between? Cohabiting Couples, and Their Role in Tax PolicyPresentation Vortrag27-Jun-2024
3Garstenauer, Viola ; Siassi, Nawid Low-Income Families, Maternal Labor Supply, and Welfare ReformPresentation Vortrag14-Jun-2024
4Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Sánchez-Romero, Miguel ; Zettler, David Walter Pension reforms in an unequal ageing populationPresentation Vortrag13-Jun-2024
5Kaas, Leo ; Lalé, Etienne ; Siassi, Nawid Job Ladder and Wealth Dynamics in General EquilibriumPresentation Vortrag22-May-2024
6Destefanis, Sergio ; Fragetta, Matteo ; Gasteiger, Emanuel Does one size fit all in the Euro Area? Some counterfactual evidenceArticle Artikel 16-May-2024
7Garstenauer, Viola Low-Income Families, Maternal Labor Supply, and Welfare ReformPresentation Vortrag3-May-2024
8Kaas, Leo ; Lalé, Etienne ; Siassi, Nawid Job Ladder and Wealth Dynamics in General EquilibriumPresentation Vortrag29-Apr-2024
9Budianto, Flora ShrinkflationPreprint Preprint16-Apr-2024
10Grass, Dieter ; Wrzaczek, Stefan ; Caulkins, J P ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Hartl, Richard F. ; Kort, P M ; Kuhn, M ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Sanchez Romero, Miguel ; Seidl, Andrea Riding the waves from epidemic to endemic: Viral mutations, immunological change and policy responsesArticle Artikel Apr-2024
11Kaas, Leo ; Lalé, Etienne ; Siassi, Nawid Job Ladder and Wealth Dynamics in General EquilibriumPresentation Vortrag15-Mar-2024
12Budianto, Flora Temporary Sales and CyclicalityPreprint Preprint6-Mar-2024
13Sanchez Romero, Miguel ; Schuster Philipp ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia Redistributive Effects of Pension Reforms: Who Are the Winners And LosersPresentation Vortrag27-Feb-2024
14Garstenauer, Viola ; Siassi, Nawid Low-Income Families, Maternal Labor Supply, and Welfare ReformReport BerichtJan-2024
15Chaskel-2024-Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik-vor.pdf.jpgChaskel, Rico ; Getzner, Michael ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Riphahn, Regina ; Schmidheiny, Kurt Zugang zu Forschungsdaten in den D-A-CH-Ländern: Eine Vermessung der (Un-)ZufriedenheitArticle Artikel 2024
16Freiberger, Michael ; Hoffmann, Roman ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia Should I stay or should I go: Modelling disaster risk behaviour using a dynamic household level approachReport Bericht2024
17Di Serio, Mario ; Fragetta, Matteo ; Gasteiger, Emanuel ; Melina, Giovanni The Euro Area Government Spending Multiplier in Demand‐ and Supply‐Driven RecessionsArticle Artikel 2024
18Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Sobotka, Tomás ; Zeman, Krystof Demographische Folgen der COVID-19-PandemieInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2024
19Sanchez Romero, Miguel ; Schuster, Philip ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia Redistributive Effects of Pension Reforms: Who Are the Winners And LosersPresentation Vortrag21-Dec-2023
20Sanchez Romero, Miguel ; Schuster Philipp ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia Redistributive Effects of Pension Reforms: Who Are the Winners And LosersPresentation Vortrag6-Dec-2023