Forschungsgruppe Naturstofftechnologie

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E166-06-1 - Forschungsgruppe Naturstofftechnologie
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Research Group
Active Aktiv

Results 1-20 of 317 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Drabo, Peter ; Fischer, Matthias ; Emondts, Meike ; Hamm, Jegor ; Engelke, Mats ; Simonis, Marc ; Qi, Long ; Scott, Susannah L. ; Palkovits, Regina ; Delidovich, Irina Solvent effects on catalytic activity and selectivity in amine-catalyzed d-fructose isomerizationArticle Artikel Feb-2023
2Kovacevic, Marko ; Rieder-Gradinger, Cornelia ; Teischinger, Alfred ; Srebotnik, Ewald Volatile organic compounds emitted from Scots pine and Norway spruce woodArticle Artikel 27-Dec-2022
3Fischer, Matthias ; Drabo, Peter ; Delidovich, Irina Study of base-catalyzed isomerization of d-glucose with a focus on reaction kineticsArticle Artikel Oct-2022
4Delidovich, Irina ; Schroer, Guido ; Toussaint, Valerie ; Zensen, Tobias ; Drabo, Peter Separation of diols, polyols, and saccharides from aqueous solutions based on reversible complexation with phenylboronatesPresentation Vortrag11-May-2022
5Zensen, Tobias ; Delidovich, Irina ; Palkovits, Regina Energy efficient separation of biomass-derived compounds via molecular recognitionPresentation Vortrag10-May-2022
6Drabo, Peter ; Delidovich, Irina ; Palkovits, Regina Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous catalysis: What are the catalytically active species for the isomerization of glucose into fructose in presence of alkaline earth metal (hydr)oxides?Presentation VortragMay-2022
7Toussaint, Valerie ; Delidovich, Irina Porous Tin-Organic Frameworks as Selective Epimerization Catalysts in Aqueous SolutionsPresentation VortragMay-2022
8Toussaint, Valerie ; Delidovich, Irina Revealing the contributions of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for isomerization of D-glucose to D-fructose in the presence of low-soluble basic saltsPresentation VortragMay-2022
9Karka, Paraskevi ; Papadokonstantakis, Stavros ; Kokossis, Antonis Digitizing sustainable process development: From ex-post to ex-ante LCA using machine-learning to evaluate bio-based process technologies ahead of detailed designArticle Artikel 15-Mar-2022
10Delidovich, Irina Catalysis and separation methods in biorefiningPresentation Vortrag8-Mar-2022
11Delidovich, Irina Catalysis for biomass valorization: challenges and opportunitiesPresentation Vortrag25-Feb-2022
12Lindemann, Martin ; Widhalm, Bernhard ; Kuncinger, Thomas ; Srebotnik, Ewald Potential of a year-round, closed-loop process for volatile organic compounds reduction in pinewood strands by Pseudomonas putida PX1 cultivated in seasonally varying process effluentsArticle Artikel Feb-2022
13Schroer-2022-Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry-vor.pdf.jpgSchroer, Guido ; Toussaint, Valérie ; Heyman, Benedikt ; Büchs, Jochen ; Pöppler, Ann-Christin ; Delidovich, Irina Recovery of biobased 2,3-butanediol from fermentation broths by liquid-phase adsorption onto phenylboronate polymersArticle Artikel 2022
14Marchione, Filippo ; Hungerbuehler, Konrad ; Papadokonstantakis, Stavros Mass Integration for Rigorous Process Modelling: A Sequential Approach for Direct RecyclingArtikel Article2021
15Delidovich, Irina Development of catalytic transformations of saccharides and efficient separation methods for biorefiningPräsentation Presentation2021
16Tintner, J. ; Leibrecht, F. ; Pfeifer, C. ; Konuk, M. ; Srebotnik, E. ; Woitsch, J. Pitch oil production - An intangible cultural heritage in Central EuropeArtikel Article 2021
17Rieder-Gradinger, Cornelia ; Schierer, Valentin ; Lindemann, Martin ; Srebotnik, Ewald Projekt Egger 4.6, Jahresbericht 2021 (Endbericht)Bericht Report2021
18Rieder-Gradinger, Cornelia ; Schierer, Valentin ; Lindemann, Martin ; Srebotnik, Ewald Projekt Egger 4.6 (2. Halbjahresbericht 2021)Bericht Report2021
19Rieder-Gradinger, Cornelia ; Schierer, Valentin ; Lindemann, Martin ; Srebotnik, Ewald Projekt Egger 4.6 (1. Halbjahresbericht 2021)Bericht Report2021
20Rieder-Gradinger, Cornelia ; Schierer, Valentin ; Lindemann, Martin ; Srebotnik, Ewald Projekt Egger 4.6 (3. Quartalsbericht 2021)Bericht Report2021