| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 |  | Weise, Martin ; Knees, Peter ; Hofmann, Alex ; Ahmedaja, Ardian ; Anda Beitāne ; Rauber, Andreas | Connecting Ethnomusicology Data Collections Using Distributed Repositories and Linked Data Technology | Presentation Vortrag  | 24-May-2023 |
| 2 |  | Weise, Martin | Repository and Compute Environment for Sensitive Data | Presentation Vortrag  | 20-Apr-2023 |
| 3 | | Fenz, Stefan ; Giannakis, Giorgos ; Bergmayr, Julia ; Iousef, Samy | RenoDSS - a BIM-based building renovation decision support system | Article Artikel  | 24-Mar-2023 |
| 4 | | Purcell, Warren ; Neubauer, Thomas | Digital Twins in Agriculture: A State-of-the-art review | Article Artikel  | Feb-2023 |
| 5 |  | Gemes, Kinga Andrea ; Kovacs, Adam ; Recski, Gábor ; Drakopoulos, Georgios ; Kafeza, Eleanna | Offensive text detection across languages and datasets using rule-based and hybrid methods | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 8-Jan-2023 |
| 6 | | Werthner, Hannes ; Stanger, Allison ; Schiaffonati, Viola ; Knees, Peter ; Hardman, Lynda ; Ghezzi, Carlo | Digital Humanism: The Time Is Now | Article Artikel  | 6-Jan-2023 |
| 7 |  | Raubitzek, Sebastian ; Mallinger, Kevin ; Neubauer, Thomas | Combining Fractional Derivatives and Machine Learning: A Review | Article Artikel  | Jan-2023 |
| 8 | | Breit, Anna ; Waltersdorfer, Laura ; Ekaputra, Fajar Juang ; Sabou, Marta ; Ekelhart, Andreas ; Iana, Andreea ; Paulheim, Heiko ; Portisch, Jan ; Revenko, Artem ; ten Teije, Annette ; van Harmelen, Frank | Combining Machine Learning and Semantic Web: A Systematic Mapping Study | Article Artikel  | 2023 |
| 9 |  | Damböck, Maximilian ; Vogl, Richard ; Knees, Peter ; Rao, Preeti ; Murphy, Hema ; Srinivasamurthy, Ajay ; Bittner, Rachel ; Caro Repetto, Rafael ; Goto, Masataka ; Serra, Xavier ; Miron, Marius | On the Impact and Interplay of Input Representations and Network Architectures for Automatic Music Tagging | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 8-Dec-2022 |
| 10 |  | Knees, Peter ; Ferwerda, Bruce ; Rauber, Andreas ; Strumbelj, Sebastian ; Resch, Annabel ; Tomandl, Laurenz ; Bauer, Valentin ; Tang, Fung Yee ; Bobinac, Josip ; Ceranic, Amila ; Dizdar, Riad ; Rao, Preeti ; Murthy, Hema ; Srinivasamurthy, Ajay ; Bittner, Rachel ; Caro Repetto, Rafael ; Goto, Masataka ; Serra, Xavier ; Miron, Marius | A Reproducibility Study on User-centric MIR Research and Why it is Important | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 4-Dec-2022 |
| 11 | | Bicher, Martin ; Zuba, Martin ; Rainer, Lukas ; Bachner, Florian ; Rippinger, Claire ; Ostermann, Herwig ; Popper, Nikolas ; Thurner, Stefan ; Klimek, Peter | Supporting COVID-19 policy-making with a predictive epidemiological multi-model warning system | Article Artikel  | Dec-2022 |
| 12 | | Herbig, Ulrike ; Berger, Karl ; Damjanovic, Dragana ; Eizinger, Josef ; Neubauer, Thomas ; Pont, Ulrich ; Schauppenlehner, Thomas ; Shala-Mayrhofer, Vitore ; Tjoa, A Min ; Wagner, Dominik Alexander ; Weih, Philipp ; Zamini, Shokufeh | PlusIQ-Agri Photovoltaics | Presentation Vortrag | 10-Nov-2022 |
| 13 |  | Knees, Peter ; Ferraro, Andres ; Hübler, Moritz ; Abdollahpouri, Himan ; Sahebi, Shaghayegh ; Elahi, Mehdi ; Mansoury, Masoud ; Loni, Babak ; Nazari, Zahra ; Dimakopoulou, Maria | Bias and Feedback Loops in Music Recommendation: Studies on Record Label Impact | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 6-Nov-2022 |
| 14 | | Hanbury, Allan | Professional Search in Context | Presentation Vortrag | 2-Nov-2022 |
| 15 |  | Ekaputra, Fajar Juang ; Weise, Martin ; Flicker, Katharina ; bin Salleh, Mohd. Rizal ; Abd Rahman, Md. Nizam ; Muhamad Azwan, Abd Rahman ; Miksa, Tomasz ; Rauber, Andreas | Towards A Data Repository for Educational Factories | Presentation Vortrag  | 2-Nov-2022 |
| 16 | | Hussak, Melanie ; Neidhardt, Julia ; Stilz, Melanie | Bildung für den Frieden in einer digitalisierten Welt | Presentation Vortrag | 22-Oct-2022 |
| 17 |  | Gemes, Kinga Andrea ; Kovacs, Adam ; Recski, Gábor | Offensive Text Detection Across Languages and Datasets Using Rule-based and Hybrid Methods | Presentation Vortrag  | 21-Oct-2022 |
| 18 | | Herwanto, Guntur Budi ; Quirchmayr, Gerald ; A. Tjoa | PrivacyStory: Tool Support for Extracting Privacy Requirements from User Stories | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 19-Oct-2022 |
| 19 |  | Hofstätter, Sebastian ; Khattab, Omar ; Althammer, Sophia ; Sertkan, Mete ; Hanbury, Allan | Introducing Neural Bag of Whole-Words with ColBERTer: Contextualized Late Interactions using Enhanced Reduction | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 17-Oct-2022 |
| 20 |  | Kovacs, Adam ; Gémes, Kinga ; Iklódi, Eszter ; Recski, Gábor | POTATO: exPlainable infOrmation exTrAcTion framewOrk | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 17-Oct-2022 |