Forschungsbereich Human Computer Interaction

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E193-05 - Forschungsbereich Human Computer Interaction
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Research Division
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Active Aktiv

Results 1-20 of 1306 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Dobrosovestnova, Anna ; Reinboth, Tim ; Hakli, Raul ; Seibt, Johanna ; Mäkelä, Pekka Helping-as-Work and Helping-as-Care: Mapping Ambiguities of Helping Commercial Delivery RobotsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
2Prinzellner, Yvonne ; Simon, Ali ; Drachmann, Danielle ; Werner, Katharina ; Münter, Lars ; Bulsink, Vera ; Smits, Carolien ; Fitzpatrick, Geraldine ; Schwaninger, Isabel "The support needs to be part of the system”: designing inclusive eHealth applications for older adults with low eHealth literacyInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 16-Dec-2022
3Rettinger, Lena ; Klupper, Carissa ; Hauser, Carina ; Schönthaler, Erna ; Kerschbaumer, Andrea ; Werner, Katharina ; Werner, Franz Participatory design and needs assessment for a pressure-sensitive pen and mobile application (SensoGrip) for children with handwriting problemsArticle Artikel 27-Oct-2022
4Panek, Paul ; Mayer, Peter Challenges towards useful and sustainable ICT-enhanced toilet systems for the futurePresentation Vortrag24-Oct-2022
5Panek, Paul ; Mayer, Peter Toilet For Me Too project (T4Me2)Presentation Vortrag18-Oct-2022
6Leipold, Stefan ; Panek, Paul Umfassende Sicherheitslösung für Menschen mit Aphasie - Das AAL Projekt “APH-Alarm”Presentation Vortrag12-Oct-2022
7Panek, Paul ; Mayer, Peter Toilette auch für mich - Das AAL Projekt “Toiletforme, too”Presentation Vortrag12-Oct-2022
8Scheepmaker, Laura ; Aal, Tanja ; Kender, Kay ; Vallis, Stacy ; Aal, Konstantin ; Smith, Nancy ; Melenhorst, Mark ; van Twist, Anouk ; Veenstra, Mettina ; Schuler, Douglas ; Müller, Claudia ; Wulf, Volker ; Weibert, Anne Ethical Future Environments: Engaging refugees in Smart City participationInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Oct-2022
9Kender, Kay Tumblr is Queer and Twitter is Toxic: Speculating About the Vibe of Social Media SpacesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Oct-2022
10Dobrosovestnova, Anna ; Schwaninger, Isabel ; Weiss, Astrid With a Little Help of Humans. An Exploratory Study of Delivery Robots Stuck in SnowInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 30-Sep-2022
11Panek, Paul ; Mayer, Peter Design and Implementation of Self-adapting Toilets for Semi-public Environments: Reflections on transferring a home solution to semi-public placesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 22-Sep-2022
12Gerling, Kathrin ; Kender, Silvia-Kay ; Spiel, Katta ; Van der Oord, Saskia ; Bayens, Dieter ; Depoortere, Arno ; Aufheimer, Maria ; Marky, K. ; Grünefeld, U. ; Kosch, T. Reflections on Ableism in Participatory Technology DesignInproceedings KonferenzbeitragSep-2022
13Frijns-2022-Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research for Robotic Care ...-am.pdf.jpgFrijns, Helena Anna ; Dobrosovestnova, Anna ; Brauneis, Carina ; Grabler, Reinhard ; Hirschmanner, Matthias ; Stoeva, Darja ; Vetter, Ralf ; Vogel, Laura Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research for Robotic Care Technology - Mapping Challenges and PerspectivesPresentation Vortrag 29-Aug-2022
14Schwaninger, Isabel ; Carros, Felix ; Weiss, Astrid ; Wulf, Volker ; Fitzpatrick, Geraldine Video connecting families and social robots: from ideas to practices putting technology to workArticle Artikel 30-Jul-2022
15Subaşı, Özge ; Panek, Paul ; Hallewell Haslwanter, Jean D. ; Miesenberger, Klaus ; Kouroupetroglou, Georgios ; Mavrou, Katerina ; Manduchi, Roberto ; Covarrubias Rodriguez, Mario ; Penáz, Petr Assistive Technologies and Inclusion for Older PeopleInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 1-Jul-2022
16Meissner-2022-The Hidden Technological Labour of Service Workers in Healt...-vor.pdf.jpgMeißner, Janis Lena ; Pretterhofer, Nicolas ; Bergmann, Nadja ; Haselsteiner, Edeltraud The Hidden Technological Labour of Service Workers in Health and Beauty ShopsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 8-Jun-2022
17Kender, Kay ; Frauenberger, Christopher The Shape of Social Media: Towards Addressing (Aesthetic) Design PowerInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Jun-2022
18Luckner-2022-Insights from Peer Reviewing in Large University Courses-vor.pdf.jpgLuckner, Naemi ; Purgathofer, Peter ; Stikkolorum, Dave ; Rahimi, Ebrahim Insights from Peer Reviewing in Large University CoursesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 13-Apr-2022
19Bellini-2022-Feminist Theory-vor.pdf.jpgBellini, Rosanna ; Meißner, Janis Lena ; Mitchell Finnigan, Samantha ; Strohmayer, Angelika Feminist human–computer interaction: Struggles for past, contemporary and futuristic feminist theories in digital innovationArticle Artikel Apr-2022
20Kender, Kay ; Spiel, Katta FaceSavr™: Designing Technologies with Allistic Adults to Battle Emotion EcholaliaInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Apr-2022